Friday, May 8, 2015

Most watch!! - Peeling Oranges? You've been Wrong Your Entire Life!

I have to admit, the #1 reason why I don't eat oranges on a regular basis is because of all the effort it takes to peel them. I used to stick my fingernail right into the orange's skin and wind up with messy, sticky hands that smelled like oranges for the rest of the day. Pretty gross if you ask me.
But after learning this trick, my snack time will be forever changed. Here's to easy, healthy snacking!

Must see!! - How to Make a Homemade Mosquito Repellent That Works

If you’re like me… you loathe mosquitoes. They’re pesky, buzzing, blood sucking summer burdens! I’m also unfortunately apart of the “delicious” population that mosquitoes tend to target most! Some of my friends don’t get bitten at all, while I struggle to keep my bite count for the night under 10! 

Everybody, regardless of gender, age and race, releases 4 chemicals, one of which is called nonanal. This chemical (along with carbon dioxide) is what attracts the mosquito to you most. The reason some people get bit more than others is because everyone releases a different amount of nonanal.

Somehow, throughout all the years of being a tasty mosquito victim, I never found a bug spray that I truly trusted, until now! 

Why would you waste all that money on store bought, brand name bug repellent when you can make a more effective, cost efficient version from home? 

If you’re in the same boat as me, you really should try this homemade mosquito repellent, it allowed me to enjoy those beautiful summer evenings, and forget all about those irritating little beasts!

What you’ll need …

• 100 grams of fresh garlic clove
• 100 ml of baby oil
• ½ litre of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)

Place the garlic in a bowl with the alcohol and let sit for 4 days. You’ll get even better results if you remember to stir the mixture twice a day. At the end of the 4 days, add the baby oil and… voilá, homemade, bug repellent! 
I put my repellent in an old twist top bottle so I could use it at a later date as well. The repellent is gentle enough to put on your skin but you only need a couple of drops in each of the popular biting area. 
I find putting a couple drops on my wrists, ankles, back of the neck, and back of the knees keeps most of the mosquitoes away. However, you may get bitten in different areas than me so apply it where you think it’s necessary!
A major bonus about this particular repellent is that it also repels fleas! So if your dog is dealing with a bad flea problem, you can share it with your furry friend!

An important reminder: Be safe with this repellent. Like many other bug sprays, it contains harsh ingredients so you should not ingest it or put it anywhere near your eyes! I would recommend keeping it out of reach from your young children, and supervise them when they apply it. At the same time, it issignificantly healthier than many of the store-bought repellents that you can find mass-distributed in your local grocery stores.

For those of you that prefer not to use baby oil or alcohol try this recipe:

  • Choose one of the following essential oils: Citronella, Clove, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Catnip, Lavender, Mint
  • Natural Witch Hazel
  • Distilled or boiled Water

  1. Fill spray bottle (I used 8 ounce) 1/2 full with distilled or boiled water
  2. Add witch hazel to fill almost to the top
  3. Add 30-50 drops of essential oils to desired scent. The more oils you use, the stronger the spray will be.
 Although mosquitoes are often thought of as a mere annoyance, they do carry extremely harmful diseases. The more bites you get, the more likely you are to contract diseases such as West Nile or Malaria. Finding a bug spray that works for you is important for your health and convenience.
Other than that, get back to the important things and have a wonderful, bug free evening outside!!

Just IN - North Korea tests ballistic missile

Pyongyang, North Korea (CNN)North Korea has carried out a successful underwater test of a ballistic missile, the North Korean state news agency reported.
Leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the test himself, KCNA reported on Saturday (Friday evening, ET).
A submarine launched the missile at a location far from the mainland, the news agency reported.
Kim praised the test as a "miraculous achievement," and said his country is capable of producing this type of missile, according to KCNA.
The North Korean leader called the missile a "time bomb which will go off on the backs of our hostile enemies at any time," the news agency said.
    The rhetoric, however, is not unlike Kim's pronouncements after missile tests in the past.
    North Korea already allocated a significant portion of its budget to the military, and Saturday's announcement does not necessarily signify a ramping up of military efforts.
    News of the missile test comes one day after North Korea threatened to open fire without warning on any South Korean naval ships entering disputed waters off the west coast.
    South Korea responded with threats of retaliation if North Korea carries out any aggression.

    Source Link: CNN

    Must see!! - Incredible 3D Floor Mural Designs

    This is what we call Art. Very uncommon designs inside our houses. 

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    In Pakistan kills ambassadors of Norway, Philippines, due to the Heicopter Crash

    The ambassadors to Pakistan from the Philippines and Norway and the wives of the ambassadors from Malaysia and Indonesia were killed Friday when a Pakistani army helicopter made a crash landing. (AP)

     A Pakistani military helicopter carrying foreign diplomats crashed Friday in the country’s northern mountains, killing at least seven people, including the ambassadors of ­Norway and the Philippines, officials said.
    Maj. Gen. Asim Bajwa, the chief spokesman for the Pakistani ­military, said the crash happened near Naltar district in the Gilgit-Baltistan region.
    Norwegian Ambassador Leif H. Larsen and Philippine Ambassador Domingo D. Lucenario Jr. died in the crash, according to Bajwa. The wives of the Indonesian and Malaysian ambassadors were also killed, as were three crew members, he said.
    At least 13 other people were injured, including the Polish and Dutch envoys.
    The Mi-17 had been carrying 17 passengers, and it was not immediately clear what caused the crash.
    But a Twitter message from ­Bajwa blamed a “technical fault” and dismissed speculation about an attack — despite a claim from the Pakistani Taliban that it had shot down the helicopter.
    The area is generally considered to be one of the safest in Pakistan, and terrorist attacks there are rare.
    Muhammad Khorasani, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, said the group had been targeting Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
    Sharif had been flying separately to Gilgit-Baltistan, but he returned to Islamabad upon hearing of the helicopter crash.
    Gilgit-Baltistan, which borders China and Indian-controlled Kashmir, includes five of the world’s 14 highest mountains, ­including K2, the second-highest mountain in the world.
    A statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said envoys from more than 30 countries and their families were part of a three-day trip to the region. According to local media reports, the schedule included the inauguration of a new chairlift for tourists.
    The diplomats and family members were flown to Gilgit-Baltistan by a C-130 aircraft and then put aboard four helicopters bound for Naltar.
    The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad said none of its personnel were on the trip.
    Source: LINK

    What and amazing make-up transformation

    Wally as Mommy D.  -  Jose as Manny - Pailo as Junkie

    Make-up transforming as they supported our Pambansang Kamao - Manny Pacman Paquiao.

    This is What We Called Extreme Piercing!

    I know piercing is an art, an extreme art for me. But for Joel Miggler it’s just like a play time.
    Joel Miggler, 23, from Küssaberg, Germany is an extreme body artist, and alternative model. He was called Bodymoded Punky for he has undergone some extensive body modifications. And one of the most extreme are the Holes in his cheeks, which he can stick his split tongue out or blow smoke through them. Though these holes didn’t affect his daily life, the only downside is, he must take smaller bites of food when eating.

    Joel Miggler was 13 when he began experimenting and altering his body.
    From then, he has a total of 27 different piercings, as well as 6 tattoos, an implant & has even had his buttock branded and spent over £4000 or more than $6,800.
    “There is not one person or one thing that inspired me, I just enjoy playing with my body and blood,” He said.
    H/T: Huffington Post | VIA
    I’m not really a fan of piercing, when I saw this guy’s work I’m speechless and freak out a little. So I don’t recommend this to feint-hearted people! LOL